A demonstration of tintype portraiture, 10:30am – 12pm
Gregg McNeill makes Tintype Portraits just like the Victorians did in the 1850’s, using a process is called Wetplate Collodion. Gregg has been an image maker all his life, starting out in film photography and eventually pursuing a career as a Director of Photography in the film and video industry.
In 2014 he took a wetplate collodion class and fell down the endless rabbit hole of pre-film Victorian photographic processes. In keeping with our festival theme reflect, Gregg will be taking us back in time and talking about the history of the wetplate collodion process, it’s place in the history of photography and its effects upon Victorian society.
During the talk, Gregg will demonstrate the process of making a tintype portrait.
You can see more of Greggs work here
Instagram: @gbmcinephoto
Facebook: www.facebook.com/darkboximagesltd
Jail Wynd, Stirling, FK8 1DE
+44 (0)1786 27 4000
Tolbooth Tues-Sat 10am-5pm