Stirling Future World Exhibition

02 Apr – 25 May

40 years since its release, Tolbooth Gallery will show ‘Stirling Future World’ a short film hosted by journalist and historian Magnus Magnusson.  Featuring wonderful footage of Stirling and in particular the Top of The Town.  Magnus even takes us inside the Tolbooth as part of the film, providing a glimpse of how the building was pre-renovation.

Also on display will be a selection of poster artwork created by 1st year graphics students at Forth Valley College – created as both a response to the film, and with Stirling at 900 as a theme.

There will be an opportunity for visitors to interact and share predictions for future Stirling at the exhibition.

Thank you to The Stirling Smith Gallery for the digitized version of the film.

To find out more about the 900 celebrations, see – Stirling 900 Anniversary — Scene Stirling


Jail Wynd, Stirling, FK8 1DE

+44 (0)1786 27 4000


Tolbooth Tues-Sat 10am-5pm

Stirling Future World Exhibition - Gallery

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