Milestones To Moments – Forth Valley Welcome Photography Exhibition

Saturday 3rd May – Saturday 28th June (Open Tue to Sat 10-5pm)

From Milestones to Moments: The New Scots Experience, a photography exhibition showing the experience of New Scots as they settled into Scotland.

The exhibition will showcase photography by New Scots themselves, who received support from the Stirling Photography Festival to capture their milestones, as well as work by local photographers who are part of the Stirling Photography Festival, who captured New Scots in their homes.

The work will invite the viewer to share the New Scots journey, with imagery capturing moments such as voting for the first time, attending their first Eid party in Scotland, etc, along with interviews from New Scots describing what that moment was like for them.

Accompanying the photography will be cultural artefacts such as traditional dresses, to highlight the juxtaposition in cultures and add a sense of what a challenge adapting to a new culture must be for New Scots.

“This project has been a community collaboration. Thank you to the Barracks Conference Centre for sponsoring the original project and exhibition, the Stirling Photography Festival for lending the original exhibition and of course, artists Laura Steven and Jade Scott for the core exhibition pieces.”

Image by Jade Scott.

Event Info

Cost - £FREE


Jail Wynd, Stirling, FK8 1DE

+44 (0)1786 27 4000


Tolbooth Tues-Sat 10am-5pm

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