Visual Artist and Craft Maker Award (VACMA) offers small grants to visual artists and craft makers for their creative development at all stages of their career. These awards are supported by Creative Scotland through funding from the National Lottery in partnership with (insert name of your local authority and partners here).
In place of usual VACMA awards, this year fixed bursaries are available in recognition of the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 on individual artists and makers. The VACMA scheme offers two levels of bursaries:
The fund is open to Visual Artists /Craft Makers who can demonstrate a commitment to developing their creative practice and are living or working or maintaining a studio space within the Local Authority area to which you are applying.
The next deadline will be Tuesday 2 February 2021. Guidance and application form will be available shortly – please check this page for updates.
Download forms to apply.
Jail Wynd, Stirling, FK8 1DE
+44 (0)1786 27 4000
BOX OFFICE OPENING TIMES - Week Beginning January 13, 2025
Tuesday 10-5pm
Wednesday 10-5pm
Thursday 10-5pm
Friday 10-5pm
Saturday 10-5pm