This event will now take place in the Tolbooth.
Presented by Speakers from the Edge
“What on earth do you do after that?” is the usual question once you climb a new route up Everest, reaching the top alone and without oxygen. For Stephen Venables, that historic success was just a cue for different experiences – new Himalayan peaks, arctic dog-sledging, film-making, desert journeys and fifteen sailing voyages to the snow mountains of Antarctica. In this enchanting slideshow, Stephen will share the fun, excitement, beauty – and the personal tragedies – that make his life a continuing adventure.
Dumbarton Road
+44 (0)1786 473 544
BOX OFFICE OPENING TIMES - Week Beginning March 3, 2025
Thursday 10-4pm
Friday 10-4pm
Saturday 4-8pm
Sunday 4-8pm