Artie’s Singing Kettle Silly Songs

Artie dusts off the kettles and asks the audiences to join in the rhyme, “Spout, handle, lid of metal, What’s inside the Singing Kettle”

In a brand new show for 2023, the Singing Kettle’s founder, Artie dusts off the kettles and asks the audience to join in the rhyme, “Spout, handle, lid of metal, What’s inside the Singing Kettle”.

Inside clues to the silliest songs he can remember from the vast Singing Kettle repertoire: “Little Bunny Fou Fou”, “We’re going on a Bear Hunt” and, of course. “Ye Cannae Shove Yer Granny aff the Bus”.

Don’t forget to wear a Funny Hat to the show–older fans too. It all helps the party atmosphere. Nostalgia for adults and singalong fun for kids.

Babes in Arms will be free, our definition of ‘babes in arms’ is 18 months or under.

Follow Spot: Please note that some productions use a follow spot light. When choosing your seats please be aware that when applicable, this is operated from a platform on the balcony, at the beginning and end of rows B and C in the rear balcony.

Event Info

Cost - £12

Ticket -

Date - 19 Aug 2023

Doors - 10:30 am


Albert Halls

Dumbarton Road

+44 (0)1786 473 544

BOX OFFICE OPENING TIMES - Week Beginning March 10, 2025

Thursday 10-8pm
Friday 10-4pm



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