Full day programme below
Strathblane Library – Lego, Drop In, 11am-12:30pm
Open to 6-9 year olds. Bring your imagination..and an adult!
Ultrasound Scanning Of The Human Anatomy
See what goes under your skin using modern Ultrasound technology. Ultrasound scanning can see inside muscles, tendons and ligaments and how they move in our body.
Age 10+
Life Fit Wellness
Discover how utilising modern technology to measure human performance.
Age 10+
Life Fit Wellness
All ages
Visit us for an adventure that will tickle some of your senses! Join us for a hands-on exploration as you reach into boxes to touch some mysterious materials – some might just surprise you! If you want to challenge your nose, you can get a whiff of some familiar smells – can you guess what they are? And if you are a small scientist, not yet in school, you will get to use your eyes too; we have a special collection of pictures prepared just for you and want to see how they make you feel. And to test your eyes further, we have a fun task lined up as well to put your searching skills to the test.
For kids
University of Stirling
Our bodies are powered by millions of electrical signals travelling from our brain to our muscles, allowing us to walk, run, jump, and move objects. The harder we need our muscles to work, the more electrical energy we need. But our movements also release energy, and that energy can power devices just like an electrical plug or a battery might power devices in our homes.
Age 4+
University of Stirling
Join Stirling Council for a creative arts workshop involving cyanotype printing!
Come along to explore and share the impact of local air quality on our community at Stirling Science Festival!
Join us to tell your air quality story. Take a seat in the unique ‘story chAIR’ and share your experiences. See real-time and historic air quality data from your local Forth-ERA air quality network and learn about different air pollutants, their sources and their effects on health.
Kind are invited to “Draw Your Air Pollution Story”. Both kids and adults will be encouraged to think about how air quality has changed and will continue to change into the future during the feature “Air Quality Time Travel: Past, Present, Future”.
Look out for juggling and other circus performers and learn a trick or two!
All ages
Rational Animals
Some people say that humans are the only rational animals. But what is rationality? And is it true that non-human animals are not rational? Come and join the discussion!
Nature Trail (All ages)
Become an honourary wildlife biologist at The Stirling Smith during the Stirling Science Festival! Grab a ‘Spot it!’ activity sheet and get to work in our biodiversity garden seeking out signs of plant and animal life.
Museum Science Trail (All ages)
Follow the science trail in The Stirling Smith Museum and learn about history and innovation in Stirling.
Stirling Highland Hotel Star Gazing
Come and see the 134 year old telescope and view the night sky!
7 slots between 7pm-9:30pm, Age 5+
Jail Wynd, Stirling, FK8 1DE
+44 (0)1786 27 4000
Tolbooth Tues-Sat 10am-5pm