Wednesday 4th September
Panel Discussion
Wed 4th Sep, Doors 6:30pm | Tolbooth Attic
Tickets – FREE but must be booked in advance. – BOOK HERE
An unmissable free panel event featuring several individuals who have contributed photographs, flyers, zines, and other record shop artifacts which feature in ‘Keeping the Stories Alive’, including:
David Meldrum Lowe on his book of the same name which focusses on bands and venues from the 50s through to the 80s; Billy McChord, musician and band member of 22 Beaches, on the Stirling punk and post punk scenes; Mairi Ross Bauchop, band member of The Fakes; Les Cook, sometime member of Pop Wallpaper; Ewen Duncan, proprietor of Europa Music on record shops in Stirlingshire; and Ken McCluskey, musician and co-curator of the Harry Papadopoulos collection.
‘What Presence: the Music Photography of Harry Papadopoulos’ Exhibition is open until 28th September – Full info
Presented by Street Level Photoworks as part of Stirling Photography Festival at Tolbooth.
Jail Wynd, Stirling, FK8 1DE
+44 (0)1786 27 4000
Tolbooth Tues-Sat 10am-5pm